Friday, December 12, 2014

Real World Report

Hello everybody! Because we are doing a news story Mr. Sanderl wants us to research a real world news story and write a blog post on it. Today I'll be writing about London where the mall has been flooded by activists protesting Eric Garner's and Michael Brown's death. In a London mall 600 activists came to protest the killings. 76 people were arrested for disorderly conduct.

I think that it was a good cause that the police ruined. I think it was a good cause because they basically showed that they care. Also I think they did it in a more orderly fashion then they did it in the U.S because they went in to a mall and yelled protest but in the U.S people ran into stores grabbed things of the shelf and hurt people trying to stop them from taking the things and leaving and not paying for it. I mean it's my opining but still I guess you can think what you want I won't blame you.

The reason you should care is because it is a topic that has to do with police brutality and that's is as a important subject to know about.Also it talks about these people about people who are showing that they care about matters like the ones there protesting about important matters.I care about it because there protesting and i agree with them because I think the police are starting to abuse there power by killing people who can't fight back.well that's my opinion and why you should care about it.

Summarize the article in your own words.
Discuss your opinion surrounding the issue.
Describe why we should care about it.

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